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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

პროექტის სახელი: High school study abroad program.

პროექტის მოკლე აღწერა: It is a program in which a student, typically in secondary or higher education chooses to live in a foreign country, to live and study among other things language and culture.

პროექტის სრული აღწერა:

Education is the subject about which many people care deeply. Education system aims to educate the whole person, sot hat, each child develops his or her personality, as well as gaining academic knowledge.

High school study exchange program gives opportunity to broaden their horizons, by living in another country for a year abroad. There is no better way to learn about another country, its customs and the way of the life of its people than by experiencing it firsthand. As a foreign exchange student you will experience new traditions and learn the way people live day to day. More students every year enchance their lives practicing in a study abroad progrm. They gain skills they could never have learned by staying home.

Communication is a key to understanding the cuture. A knowledge of the language people speak an eagerness to improve communication skills and a curiosity for learning permit a greater level of understanding.
High School Study Abroad program became popular after world war II , but started as early as the 17th century in Europe. This program have the aim of helping to increase the participants understanding and tolerence of the cultures, as well as improving their language skills and broadening their social horizons.

  • Why should I consider going on exchange program?

There are lots of reasons: academic, professional and personal. Studying abroad allows you to polish your language skills, to delve into a new culture and to make friends.

    • How many students can go on exchange every year?

    Typically, we send between one and three students each year to each school.

    • How do I find a place to live?

    Some schools have student housing that they make available to exchange students at varying costs. Other programs require you to find local housing on your own.

    • How do I get a visa?
    The partner school will provide the necessary documentation to get a student visa, but you are responsible for submitting the paper work to the appropriate govermantal agencies that you enough in advance that you can start school on time.

    • When will classes start?

    You classes will start at the normal date for the school you selected. Some are on the quarter system, so your summer break will be longer than usual. However some schools offer a period of intensive language training for exchange students before regular classes start.

    • Will I like it?

    Studying abroad can be a wonderful chance to experience another culture and meet students from another part of the world.

    • How do I get to the school I selected?

    You must make and pay for, your own travel arrangements.

    • How will become an exchange student?

    If you want to be an exchange student in the U.S.A you have to win a competition. You have to take a test in English, and only those students who are good at English are chosen. But this ia not all. You also have to show a recommendation for your teachers. They have to write about you and show that you are better than the other students. And they must give examples of the good things you have done.

    Some students on exchange programs can receive academic credit from the country they study in.
    მოსწავლეთა ასაკი: 15-17 წწ.
    ვადები - ხნგრძლივობა: მუდმივად.
    პროექტის შესაძლო აქტივობები: ფოტო-მასალის განთავსება პროექტისათვის შექმნილ ბლოგში. მოძიებული მასალის ერთმანეთისათვის გაცნობა.
    მოსალოდნელი შედეგები (პროდუქტები, რაც შეიძლება შეიქმნას) : შეიქმნება ბლოგი , სადაც გამოაქვეყნებენ მათ მიერ მოპოვებულ ინფორმაციას , კვლევისა და დაკვირვების შედეგებს. ინფორმატიკის დამოუკიდებლად მოძიების პრაქტიკა, გეოგრაფიისა და ისტორიის უკეთ გაცნობა.
    სარგებელი სხვებისათვის: საშუალებას მისცემს მანაწილეებს და დაინტერესებულ პირებს განათლება მიიღონ და გაიღრმავონ მსოფლიოს წამყვან უნივერსიტეტებში.
    სამუშაო ენა: ინგლისური
    მონაწილეები სხვა სკოლიდან: ––––––––
    საგნებთან /საგნობრივ ჯგუფებთან / ეროვნულ სასწავლო გეგმასთან კავშირი:გეოგრაფია, ისტორია, ინფორმატიკა.

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